Friday, October 23, 2009

San Andreas Pipeline No. 3 Installation In Full Construction

The pipeline installation mobilized this week at the intersection of Thomas More Way and Brotherhood Way. Crews will be crossing under this intersection on Monday, October 26th and will continue to Crespi Drive. SFPUC and Mountain Cascade, Inc. have coordinated efforts with Saint Thomas More Catholic School and Church and other nearby institutions in this area to minimize disruptions.

There will be continuous construction at the Crespi Drive round about circle accompanied by a bit that will be dug under Holloway Avenue to 19th Avenue.

Crews are also preparing to dig an additional bore pit at the intersection of 19th Avenue and Eucalyptus Drive. To comply with the City’s holiday construction moratorium, crews will cease construction in this area between the week of November 23, 2009 through the week of January 4, 2010. Construction will reconvene in mid-January 2010, with crews continuing to dig under Eucalyptus Drive to Merced Manor Reservoir.

Let us know how we can minimize disruptions or inconvenience. We look forward to working with you.

Workdays & Hours
Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
No construction will occur outside of these posted hours without advanced written notice.

More Information
Look for continuing updates about this project here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are You Ready for the Next Big Earthquake?

On October 21st, SFPUC staff shared important earthquake preparedness tips with neighbors at the Lakeshore Acres Neighborhood Association meeting.

The importance of storing water, preparing your house and being aware of potable water hydrants throughout San Francisco were discussed.

Be sure to store at least one gallon of water per person per day, to last at least 3 days. Store extra water for houseguests, pets and older neighbors who may need help after an earthquake.

The SFPUC recently published a new brochure with many great earthquake preparedness tips. The brochure is available on our website at

It has been over 20 years since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Now more than even, it is important to prepare yourself, your house, office and car so you can take care of yourself for at least the first 72 hours after a major earthquake or other disaster.

We are rebuilding our reservoir, pump stations and pipelines in San Francisco and throughout the region to prepare for that next big earthquake, which experts believe will happen in the next 30 years.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Water Temporarily Off on Agua Way on Tues, Oct 6th in morning

In order to connect the 2 inch and 4 inch pipes from the Mt Davidson Pump Station to the water main on Agua Way, the Water Department will temporarily turn off water to homes for a few hours on or around Tuesday, October 6th, most likely in the morning. A notice will be delivered to impacted homes. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. The new pump station and pipes will help ensure water delivery after a major earthquake or disaster.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Native Wildflower Hydroseeding at Stanford Heights

Why is the hillside by the reservoir suddenly GREEN, you might be wondering? On October 1st, the contractor sprayed native wildflower seeds, through a process called hydroseeding, onto the hillside area around the Stanford Heights Reservoir. Early this Spring, you will start to see beautiful native wildflowers growing. The green color is a mixture of seeds, nutrients and mulch.

Landscaping Update: After a few delays with the irrigation system, the contractor will complete the irrigation lines soon and will begin landscaping the area in mid-October.

After landscaping is complete, we will paint the blue valves and the chlorine building next to them to help may Agua Way look great! New landscaping will go in front of the valves too.
Repaving of Agua Way will take place next Spring.