Monday, February 23, 2009

Response to Agua Way neighbors

Here are a few responses to neighbor questions from our February 7th community coffee:

Concerns about exposed blue pipes mid-block on Agua Way: the Water Dept will repaint them and work with neighbors to choose a better color. We cannot add wood slats to the fence but painting the pipes will help them blend in better.

Request for street repaving after projects: The streets are not on the Depart of Public Work's 5-year repaving list but given our inquiries they will be sending a staff person to review the streets for possible consideration for future street paving. The SFPUC contractor will repair areas that are damaged - both sidewalk and street.

Request for traffic calming on Agua Way: Many neighbors are concerned about speeding traffic on Agua Way. The SFPUC contacted the Department of Parking and Traffic and will provide information to neighbors about the process of applying for traffic calming measures.


  1. I hope folks do the research before implementing any traffic calming measures. There are communities across the country that are currently ripping out speed bumps, taking down radar cameras and reversing other decisions they've made because the solutions turned out to be ineffective - or worse, more troublesome than the original problem ever was. has a lot of good information regarding several traffic calming solutions - some of it surprising. Did you know that crosswalks and radar cameras often INCREASE pedestrian accidents?! The site also has links to a variety of studies - many of which conclude that radar speedcheck signs - those radar speed displays that tell passing drivers how fast they are going - are often the most effective (and cost effective) means of slowing traffic - particularly around school zones and neighborhoods. And unlike speedbumps or rumble strips, they don't increase traffic noise, impede emergency vehicles or wreck the suspension of your car.

    Let's do the research first.

  2. Thank you for your comment Jonathan.

    The Department of Parking and Traffic works with neighborhoods to determine what traffic calming measures will work best for everyone.

    They have an online application on their website that can help get the research process started. We will post the link on this blog.

    I think you're right, researching all of the options and finding one or more methods that work best for everyone will be ideal to address the situation.
