Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow Fence Added to Protect Plants at Stanford Heights Reservoir

Residents may notice snow fencing around the perimeter of Stanford Heights Reservoir this week. The temporary fence was added in order to protect the new landscaping recently installed and allow it to grow.
The fence will remain in place until the new plants and flowers have a chance to grow. It will be removed once the landscape team feel the plants are safe from damage.

Tragic Earthquake in Haiti a Shocking Reminder to Store Water and Be Prepared

The devastating and tragic 7.0 earthquake in Haiti on January 12th is a shocking reminder for all of us to be prepared for a major earthquake to strike the San Francisco Bay Area at any time.

Store at least one gallon of water per person per day to last at least three days after a major disaster. Store additional water for houseguests and pets. Store water away from sunlight and heat and replace every six months. Learn more about getting prepared by visiting

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Watch for Wildflowers this Spring at Summit Reservoir

Watch for wildflowers at Summit Reservoir, located near the intersection of Palo Alto Ave and Marview in the Twin Peaks area. Our SFPUC gardener recently cast a mix of colorful wildflowers along the hillside near Palo Alto Ave.

The SFPUC also plans to "hydroseed" the area this Spring as part of a restoration project requested by neighbors after the completion of the Palo Alto Pump Station. Hydroseeding often looks like paint at first - it is usually bright green or blue - and the concentrated seed mix germinates and blooms with rain or moisture. Watch for the hydroseeding this Spring.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Read our new Digital Currents!

Digital Currents, the SFPUC’s new electronic magazine, launches today! Preview it now!
Subscribe today!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

4.1 Earthquake a Good Reminder to Prepare for the Big One

The 4.1 earthquake on January 7th was a good reminder to San Francisco residents that it is not a matter of if but WHEN the next big earthquake will strike. We all must prepare.

One of the best and easiest things residents can do is store tap water for emergency use. After a big earthquake, water mains may break and homes may be without water for several days. We are upgrading our pipelines, reservoirs, pumping stations and other facilities to prepare for the earthquake.

Store at least one gallon of tap water per person per day to last at least three days. Store in a cool, dry place away from heat and sunlight and change water every six months (pour water on a plant and refill bottle). You can reuse 2 liter soda bottles or use other food grade plastic or metal bottles for storing water.

Learn more at

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Construction resumes in the Merced Manor Neighborhood

Mountain Cascade, Inc. contractor working for the SFPUC on the San Andreas Piepline No. 3 will begin the 36" water pipeline installation on Eucalyptus Drive. Construction will be ongoing throughout January.

The installation will continue in February along Eucalyptus Drive through 22nd Avenue to Sloat Boulevard.

Work hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

For more information on this project, please visit